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개발자: Sivig
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Sivig Online eshte platforma e pare e plote per te porositur siguracion online per te gjithe klientet ne treg, ofruar nga Sigma Interalbanian.

- I thjeshte ne porositje me 3 hapa.
- Polica konfirmohet ne pak sekonda.
- Oferta te ndryshme per porosi nga Sivig Online.
- Portofol produktesh ne 3 kategori kryesore: Automjete, Shendeti, Prone.
- Klienti ne kontroll me funksione te plota te administrimit te llogarise se tij (polica, karta, detaje te tjera).
- Klienti eshte ne rehatine e tij te porosise kudo dhe kurdo, si nga aplikacioni, ashtu edhe nga web (browser kompjuteri).
- Pagese e sigurt me procesor POS virtual.

Funksionet e Sivig Online:
Mund te porositet direkt nga platforma:
- Shendeti ne Udhetim - Produkt i detyrueshem i shendetit per udhetimin jashte vendit, ofrohet mbulim per Europen (kontinentale), Rusine, Turqine, Egjiptin.
- Police Kufitare - Produkt i detyrueshem per mjetet me targa te huaja qe udhetojne ne Shqiperi, per te cilet polica sigurimit e vendit fillestar, nuk ofron mbulim ne territorin tone.
- TPL - Siguracioni i detyrueshem vjetor i mjetit me targa shqiptare, per qarkullimin brenda territorit te Shqiperise.
- Kartonin Jeshil - Siguracion i detyrueshem per mjetet me targa shqiptare (regjistruar ne Shqiperi) qe qarkullojne jashte ne shtetet e percaktuara nga byrote e sigurimit.

Perllogaritje primi:
- Police sigurim banese (apartament),
- Police sigurim biznes SME.

- Klienti eshte ne kontroll te porosive duke plotesuar profilin e tij, historiku i blerjeve, hapave te procesit.
- Raportim dhe historik te dëmeve.
- Filialet tona, pikat e servisit tonat.

Nese hasni veshtiresi mund te perdorni edhe me te njejtat funksione.


Sivig Online is the first complete online insurance platform, useable by all customers in the market, offered by Sigma Interalbanian.

- Simple 3 step order process,
- Insurance policy order confirmed in few seconds,
- Different offers available through Sivig Online,
- Product catalog covering insurance needs for: motorvehicle, health, property.
- Customer in full control by managing his / her account (policies, cards, other details).
- Customer can order anytime, anywhere through mobile app, but also through desktop web application (browser access).
- Safe and secure payments through virtual POS processor.

Core functions of Sivig Online
Direct ordering from the platform of below policies:
- Travel health insurance: mandatory for Albanian, or those with resident permit that want to travel to Europe (continent), Russia, Turkey, Egypt.
- Border insurance: mandatory insurance for vehicles with non Albanian license plates, if vehicle insurance does not cover Albanian territory.
- TPL: Mandatory yearly insurance for vehicles with Albanian license plates, for travelling within Albanian territory.
- Green Card policy: Mandatory vehicle insurance for vehicles with Albanian license plates, travelling outside of Albanian territories in the countries specified by insurance bureaus.

Preliminary calculation of premium:
- Homeowner property insurance (apartment),
- SME (Business) insurance.

- Customer in full control of the order by fulfilling his/her profile data, order history, and order steps.
- Direct report and historical claims,
- Our branches, and approved service (vehicle) points.

If you face any issues you can also use having the same functions.